
Nongnah Village


Nongnah is under Ranikor C&RD Block. It is located  30 km to the South-West of Mawkyrwat and is considered to be one of the most beautiful villages of the area. From this plateau one gets a bird’s eye view of the surrounding hills and valleys, besides the plain and rivers of Bangladesh and the Himalayas. When one looks from a distance it looks like a bed which legends say is the bed of the legendary greens. On this plateau there is a cave, the longest of all caves found in Khasi Hills.

Iawpaw hill:
Iawpaw hill is covered with lots of vegetations. The main vegetation on this hill are beetle nuts, beetle leave, bay leaf, oranges, wild peppers, black pepper, tapioca, yam, litchi, broom stick and others.

Thlong Ble:
Thlong Ble situated on the way to Balat, it is on top of a rock. This place is called Thlong Ble , because of the basket and there is a spring for the whole year. It is belief that Iawpaw God used to take bath in this place. People belief that we cannot take bath on pollute the spring otherwise the God will punish or kill the people involved in it. It is also belief that “Ksan Iawpaw” the eldest son of “Iawpaw God” protects this place. There is a big grazing land on the top of this hill.

Ka Sympier:
To the west of Thangrai village there is a rock. From this place there come a spring. People from Nongnah and other neighbouring villages love to go for picnic in this place. The place attracts alot of tourist because we can see the falls, the beauty of Rilang River and deep George of Langrin.

The Lum Disohphe:
This is the highest peak in the Iawpaw hill. From the top of the hill we can see clearly the beauty of Bangladesh and the George of Riwar areas.

Krem Mawtynhiang:
Krem Mawtynhiang or Mawtynhiang cave situated to the West of Nongnah village. This is towards the end of Iawpaw Hills. Spring season is the best time to visit the palce where we could see cearly the beauty of Bangladesh and the flow of Kynshi river.

Ka Mawkham:
Mawkham which is situated at the feet of Iawpaw hills. During the month of March/April thousands of Muslims from Bangladesh plunged to this place for worshiping. This event usually held during the Bannit Market. Bannit market usually held once in a year and it continues for five days. The Muslim community belief that if they drink the water from the spring that comes out form this stone they could be heal from different sickness. They take this water home and use it during sickness. The Muslim community consider this water holy.

Lum Iawpaw
This place is significant because from the month of September to February the thousand of Migration birds come to this hill. They slowly go down till they reach Bangladesh in the month of February.

Photo Gallery

  • Nongnah Plateau

How to Reach:

By Air

The nearest airport is at Shillong Airport (Umroi Airport IATA: SHL), 130 kms. from Nongnah, 30 kms from Shillong and , 100 kms from Mawkyrwat District HQ of South West Khai Hills District,

By Train

The nearest Railway Station is Guwahati Railway Station which is around 160 kms from Mawkyrwat, District HQ of South West Khasi Hills District.

By Road

Nongnah village is 30 kms from Mawkyrwat, which is District Head Quarter South West Khasi Hills District. Sumo and Tourist Taxi services are available on all weekdays except on Sundays from Mawkyrwat market.