
Treasury Officer With Staffs
The Office of the Treasury Officer Mawkyrwat Sub-Treasury was established way back in August 1991,and it is located at the premises of the Sub-Divisional officer (civil) Mawkyrwat, Civil Sub-Division West Khasi Hills Mawkyrwat. It is one of the most important office of the Civil Sub-Division which act as the Exchequer of the Government. It was on the 3rd September 2012 that it had been upgraded into a District Treasury under South Wesk Khasi Hills District Mawkyrwat.
This office function with the strength of 1(one) Treasury Officer and Treasury staffs totalling to 16(Sixteen) nos.
Organisation Hierarchy
Main Function
Its main function is to handle with the huge amount of Government transaction of the different departments. It is also responsible for effecting payments and receipts on behalf of the State Government. Initially, it was a Non-Banking Treasury and within the recent past it has been converted to a full-fledged Banking Treasury.
The Finance Department of the Government of Meghalaya are trying to bring about speed and efficient disposal of all kinds of transaction through a very systematic mode which can provide Accuracy, Transparency and Accountability so as to support the better decision making on Financial matters.
Since its inception, this office was functioning manually in spite of the shortage of man power, but with the passage of time, on September 2005 the Office has moved ahead in implementing a computerised system of Compilation of Accounts which has helped in improving the working of the Treasury to a great extent.
Services Offered
After the successful implementation of this project, taking into consideration the need to provide better Government
Transaction and Monitoring System along with Reporting Mechanism, with a view to facilitate the Government 2 Citizens services the Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries in collaboration with the National Informatics Centre, Meghalaya State Unit introduced 3(three) important projects,
- TreasuryNet Application
- Pension Automated System (PAS) and
- Employee and Pension Database
These three services are briefly described below
- TreasuryNet
TreasuryNET was successfully implemented in Mawkyrwat Treasury on September 2009. It is the web based system which caters to the online transactions in treasuries as well as generates compiled accounts. It also provides various reports & queries to support decision making in financial matters.TreasuryNET application takes care of all the activities and transaction in the treasury. It is web-enabled application designed on a 3-tier architecture with PHP on the client-end and DB2 is the back-end RDBMS running on Linux O/S. TreasuryNET works on a distributed systemarchitecture in which the central data storage system is housed on a powerful central server and users can access the server from a number of clients located in various treasuries and sub-treasuries throughout the state. TreasuryNET has been designed on a workflow concept where the data (information) flow from the lower level (Counter) to a higher level (Treasury Officer) which has different roles to access the data. The main objective of the application is to take up the online computerization of the Treasury activities and expedite and transfer of the data received at the Treasury level to the Directorate level in order to supervise and monitor the financial positionof the state at the secretariat level through the Integrated Financial Management System(IFMS). The system is also designed to provide up-to-date Receipt and Expenditure of each department/DDO and also facilitate effective Budget control at the level of Treasuries.
- Pension Automated System (PAS)
Payment of Pension, including family pension, is currently made at the option of the pensioners, either through Treasuries or Public Sector Banks. Government has given due consideration to the merits and demerits of both systemsand to improve the system further in the interest of the pensioners and management information system. After carefully consideration, the Governor of Meghalaya is pleased to introduce the following alternate system fordisbursement of pension and the system shall be called the “Pension Automated System” (PAS) of the Government of Meghalaya. Pension Automated System (PAS), was successfully implemented in Mawkyrwat Treasury on March 2010.It is a web base application software which has been designed and developed with a view to improve the Pension Payment System in the State and for better management information system, Government of Meghalaya under the Finance Dept. has in 2009 notified the implementation of Pension Automated System (PAS) where the detail information of each pensioner as recorded in the PPO is captured in the Treasury database for record and reference. Monthly Pension bill(s) is/are auto-generated from the database and sent to bank(s) along with advice list for direct credit into the respective pensioner’s bank account through the designated Nodal Officer i.e The Treasury Officer, Shillong South Treasury. Pension Automated System (PAS) also brought about a new technology called the Bio-metric Self Verification System for the pensioners. This system facilitated by the KIOSK machine provided a tension-free and prompt method in which a pensioner after having been captured under the PAS Database, required for regular appearance as per rule can now just by using his fingerprints without any form of documentation may confirm his existence.
- Employee Database
Over the last two decades expenditure on salaries and pension has emerged as the largest expenditure head of the State Government. In the absence of authentic and dynamic information on employees and pensioners and their entitlement, it is difficult to accurately compute the expenditure which is necessary for a sound financial planning and estimating the impact on the pay commissions and other developmental expenditures. It was on 2010 under the directive of the 13th finance commission the State Government has decided to create a Database of all state government employees and pensioners and shall be called ‘The Employee and Pension Database’. For this important project the State Government has entrusted upon the Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries to prepare and capture all the necessary details and also to act as an implementing agency so as to enable to implement the Electronic Pay Roll System in the State. After the successful implementation of the Pension Automated System (PAS) and taking into consideration the many aspects of building the database and going through theexperiences of other States which have created the Database and its various functional utilities, it has beendecided that this model shall be based on a ‘Treasury Centric’ Database to be incorporated with the ElectronicPay Roll System. The Treasury therefore has a vital role to play in order to ensure the smooth and successful implementation of this project. In 2013 the Electronic Pay Roll System of generating Pay Bills from the Employee Database was launched in a phase wise manner all over the State. Today almost 99% of the DDOs has been coveredunder this project in our district.