The Indian Census is the largest single source of a variety of statistical information on different characteristics of the people of India. With a history of more than 130 years, this reliable, time tested exercise has been bringing out a veritable wealth of statistics every 10 years, beginning from 1872 when the first census was conducted in India non-synchronously in different parts. To scholars and researchers in demography, economics, anthropology, sociology, statistics and many other disciplines, the Indian Census has been a fascinating source of data. The rich diversity of the people of India is truly brought out by the decennial census which has become one of the tools to understand and study India
[Source: Census Of India, 2011 Census,]
- Percentage of Households to Total Households by Amenities and Assets (India & States/UTs – Village and Ward Level)
- Percentage of Households to Total Households by Amenities and Assets (India & States/UTs – Sub-District Level)
- Tables on Houses, Household Amenities & Assets Among Female Headed Households
- Houselisting and Housing Census Data Tables (India & States/UTs – District Level)
Headquarter: | Mawkyrwat |
Location: | 25.3106° N, 91.2059° E South West Khasi Hills District in Google Map |
Total Area: | 1,341 km2 (518 square mile) |
Bounded by: |
Population(Census 2011): | 1,10,152 |
No. of Villages (Census 2011): | 216 |
No. of Households (Census 2011): | 16,809 |
Literacy Rate (Census 2011): | 76.84% |
Climate (Census 2011): | 4 Seasons Summer 28ºC Maximum and Winter 3.8ºC Maximum. Average rainfall in the State is 12,000 mm. |
Principal Languages: | Khasi, Maram(Dialect of Khasi), Garo |
Official Languages: | English |
Total No. Of Assembly Constituencies: |
C&RD Blocks: |
Police Stations: |
Police Outpost etc.: |
Police Fire Service Station: |
No. of Educational Institutions |
Integrated Child Development Schemes |
Health Institutions: |
Road Communications: |
Mineral Deposits: |
Major Crops: |
Rice, Maize, Potato, Soya-bean, Mustard, Betel Nuts & Betel Vine, Kharif & Rabi Vegetables, Spices, Mandarin Oranges, Plum, Peach, Papaya, Jackfruit, Lichi, Pineapple, Mangos, Tamarin & Banana |
Major Peaks: |
International Trade Routes: |
Financial Institutions & Post Offices: |
Major Markets: |
Mawkyrwat, Umdohlun, Mawthawpdah, Rangblang, Umjarain, Jashiar, Tynnai, Photkroh, Balat, Nongjri, Mawpyllun, Khonjoy, Maheshkhola, Mawyndeng |