Ki Jingpynrung kam
Ka kyrteng | Jingbatai | Sdang Tarik | Kut Tarik | Ka File |
Jingpynbna lait kam jong ka District Coordinator hapoh ka office District Water and Sanitation Mission (JJM) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat | Application in Standard Form are invited from domiciles, Meghalaya for the following contractual posts for implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission under the District Water and Sanitation Mission (JJM) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat: |
23/06/2020 | 15/09/2020 | Ban peit (752 KB) |
Jingpynbna lait kam jong ka District Project Manager/District Coordinator hapoh kae District Water and Sanitation Mission (JJM) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat under Jal Jeevan Mission | Application in Standard Form are re-invited from domiciles, Meghalaya for the following contractual post under the District Water and Sanitation Mission (JJM) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat under Jal Jeevan Mission |
06/08/2020 | 31/08/2020 | Ban peit (863 KB) |
Jingpynbna lait kam jong IT Manager bad Accounts Assistant hapoh ka office District Rural Development Agency, South West Khasi Hills Distrik, Mawkyrwat | Applications are invited from the residents of Meghalaya for the following posts under the Office of the District Rural Development Agency, South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat of the Programme Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA). For more details follow the uploaded advertisement.
16/03/2020 | 15/08/2020 | Ban peit (154 KB) |
Jingpyntip ba lah pynjlan ia ka jingthep kam jong ka post Manager and Account Assistant hapoh DRDA South West Khasi Hills, Mawkyrwat. | Ref: Advertisement No.DRDA/MKT-42/CP/-2018/14/55 Dt. 13th March, 2020 |
03/04/2020 | 15/08/2020 | Ban peit (405 KB) |
Ka Final list jong ki Applicants kiba shah jid na ka bynta ki post ba pher ba pher hapoh DSC, South West Khasi Hills, Mawkyrwat | With reference to the Advertisement No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 dated Mawkyrwat the 18th November 2019 for recruitment to various posts under the District Selection Committee (DSC) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat, the applications of the candidates whose names are listed below in respect of the mentioned posts are found to be eligible. |
18/03/2020 | 31/07/2020 | Ban peit (33 KB) FBLUE_PrinterReport (43 KB) FDEO_Report (71 KB) FDRIVER_Report (61 KB) FGRADE_IV_Report (317 KB) FGRAM_SEVAKReport (120 KB) FLDA_Report (284 KB) FReport_gram_sevika_elligible (107 KB) Report_Jr_Demonstrator_elligible (54 KB) Report_lady_supervisior_Elligible (65 KB) SECTIONAL_ASSISTANT_Report (110 KB) TRACER_Report (55 KB) |
Ka jingpynbna na ka bynta ka Employment Oriented Training bad Skill Development Programme | As per notice No.NHlDCL/GM/R)/Skill Developmen/2020(eOffice-184696)/64-61 dated: 29/05/2020 received from Shri . Anup Purkayastha, General Manager (HR) of NHIDCL, the National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) in partnership with the Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) will be organizing a Skill Development Programme for semi-skilled workers and local youth/school dropouts (Standard 10 Passed) from NHIDCL project sites with an aim to provide employment opportunities to local youth near NHIDCL project sites and to uplift the economic condition of the people in project areas. |
10/06/2020 | 31/07/2020 | Ban peit (331 KB) |
Ka Final list jong ki Applicants ba shah kyntaid na ka bynta ki post ba pher ba pher hapoh DSC, South West Khasi Hills, Mawkyrwat | With reference to the Advertisement No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 dated Mawkyrwat the 18th November 2019 for recruitment to various posts under District Selection Committee (DSC) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat, the applications of the candidates whose names are listed below in respect of the mentioned posts are rejected for the reasons mentioned against each. |
18/03/2020 | 30/06/2020 | Ban peit (36 KB) RBluePrinter_Report (17 KB) RDEO_Report (34 KB) RDriver_Report (17 KB) RGrade_1V_Report (115 KB) RGram_sevak_Report (35 KB) RLDA_Report (35 KB) RReport_Gram_sevika_Rejection (34 KB) RReport_Lady_supervisor_Rejection (100 KB) RSECTIONAL_ASSISTANT_Report (18 KB) RTRACER_Report (17 KB) RReport_Jr_Demonstrator_Rejection (18 KB) |
ADDENDUM | As per advertisement No. DSC.1/2006/2012/77, Dt, 18.11.2019 relating to Sl.No 3 and Sl.No.10 column 4 (no of post), please read as 7 (Seven) vacancies for the posts of LDA in place of 6 (Six) vacancies and 11 (Eleven) vacancies for the posts of Grade – IV in place of 9 (Nine) vacancies. |
18/03/2020 | 25/06/2020 | Ban peit (42 KB) |
Lah pynsangeh shipor ia ka jing khot Personal Interview, Written-Test, Technical Test, Physical Fitness Test jong ka One Stop Centre(OSC) na ka daw jong ka saphriang jong u khniang jingpang COVID-19 | With reference to Advertisement No.DSWO/SWKH/OSC(Appt.)/2019-20/515 Dated Mawkyrwat, the 19th December 2019, and notified date for Personal Interview, Written-Test, Technical Test, Physical Fitness Test for the various post of the One Stop Centre(OSC) Mawkyrwat is hereby postponed in view of the precautionary measures necessitated by the COVID-19. |
19/03/2020 | 17/06/2020 | Ban peit (304 KB) |
Ka jingpynbna na ka bynta ki kandidate ia ka tarik examination, personal interview bad physical test na ka bynta ki post bapher bapher hapoh ka one stop centre(OSC) SWKH District Mawkyrwat. | With reference to the Advertisement number No.DSWO/SWKH/OSC(Appt.)/2019-20/515 Dated Mawkyrwat, the 19th December 2019. Note.
13/03/2020 | 10/06/2020 | Ban peit (43 KB) List_of_candidate_osc (523 KB) |