
Ki Jingpynrung kam

Ki Jingpynrung kam
Ka kyrteng Jingbatai Sdang Tarik Kut Tarik Ka File
Ki kyrteng jong ki kandidet ba lah ban shim bynta ha ka skill test jongka post Office Assistant hapoh ka ophis jong ka Meghalaya State Rural Livelihood Society(MSRLS) ha Ranikor Block

The shortlisted candidates mentioned in the list who have appeared for the post of Office Assistant for BMMU, Ranikor, are selected for the next round of selection i.e. Typing Test which will be organised at the NIC Hall, DC Office, South West Khasi Hills District on 10th February 2020. The reporting time for the test is 10:30 AM. Further, the candidates clearing the typing test will be called to appear for the Personal Interview to be held on 14th February 2020. The reporting time for the Interview will be at 12:30 PM.

06/02/2020 07/03/2020 Ban peit (412 KB)
Ka result jong ka Personal Interview jong ka post Assistant Distrik Coordinator bad jong ka post of Block Technical Assistant, Swachh Bharat Mission (G)

No.DSBM/SWKH/MWT/SBM-G-02/2019-20/132                                                                            Dated: Mawkyrwat: the 19th June 2019
                                                                                         NOTIFICATION CUM- RESULT
With reference to the office, notification vide letter No.DSBM/SWKH/MWT/SBM-G-02/2018-19/740 dated 06th September 2018 and letter No.DSBM/SWKH/MWT/SBM-G-02/2018-19/740 dated 0lth March 2019, the result of the personal interview for the post of Assistant District Coordinator and for the post of  Block Technical Assistant, Swachh Bharat  Mission (G) which was held on the 18th June 2019 is hereby declared.

20/06/2019 31/08/2019 Ban peit (71 KB)
Ka jingpynbna na ka bynta ka post jong Assistant District Coordinator bad Block Technical Assistant ia ki to ki candidate ba biang na ka bynta ka personal interview under SBM(G).

No.DSBM/SWKH/MWT/SBM-G-02/2019-20/90                                                                      Dated: Mawkyrwat: the 28th May, 2019.

With reference to the office notification vide letter No.DSBM/SWKH/MWT/SBM-G-02/2018-19/220  dated 06th September, 2018, the result of the written examination for the post of Assistant District Coordinator and for the post of Block Technical Assistant, Swachh Bharat Mission (G) which was held on the 15th & 16th March, 2019 has been declared with the following list of qualified candidates.

29/05/2019 31/07/2019 Ban peit (59 KB)
Ka result jong ka Personal Interview jong ka post Assistant Engineer bad Block Technical Assistant,MGNREGA.

Ref: Advertisement No. DRDA/MKT-42/CP/14/13 Dt 19.12.2018

On the basis of the performance on the Written Test held on 9th March 2019 for the post of Assistant
Engineer, MGNREGA and Block Technical Assistant, MGNREGA, the following candidates are hereby
declared qualified to appear for the personal interview to be held as follows:-

1. Name of Post: Assistant Engineer, MGNREGA
Date of Personal Interview: 30th April 2019
Time:  10:00 A.M
Venue: Office of the Deputy Commissioner, South West Khasi Hills District
Shortlisted Candidates: Annexure-I


2. Name of Post: Block Technical Assistant, MGNREGA
Date of Personal Interview: 30th April 2019
Time: 1:00 P.M
Venue: Office of the Deputy Commissioner, South West Khasi Hills District
Shortlisted Candidates: Annexure-II

16/04/2019 30/06/2019 Ban peit (248 KB)
Ki kyrteng jong ki kandidet ba lah ban shim bynta ha ka written test na ka bynta ka post Assistant District Coordinator and Block Technical Assistant, Swachh Bharat Mission (G)

No.DSBM/SWKH/MWT/SBM-G-2/2018-19/740           Dated: Mawkyrwat: the 01st March 2019
With reference to the office notification vide letter No.DSBM/SWKH/MWT/SBM-G-02/2018-19/220
dated 06th September. 2018. the written examination for the post of Assistant District Coordinator, Swachh
Bharat Mission (G) will be conducted on 15th March, 2019 and for the post of Block Technical Assistant.
Swachh Bharat Mission (G) on 16th March. 2019. After screening of application. the candidates whose names
appear below are qualified to appear for the written exam for the said posts. They may collect their Admit
Card from the Office of the District Swachh Bharat Mission! Executive Engineer. PHE Mawkyrwat Division
between 07th– 13th March 2019.

06/03/2019 31/05/2019 Ban peit (2 MB)
Ka result jong ka Personal Interview jong ka post Data Entry Operator ka ba lah pynlong ha u 6th Lber 2019 jong ka DLSA.

No.SWK/ESTT-215/2018/10                  Dated Mawkyrwat, the 7th March, 2019
On the basis of the Skill Test held on the 16th January, 2019 and Personal Interview
held on the 6th March, 2019 the under – mentioned candidate is hereby declared qualified and selected for the post of Data Entry Operator on contract basis for a period of 1 (One) year which may be extended after satisfactorily proving his/her performance.

13/03/2019 31/05/2019 Ban peit (31 KB)
Ka result jong System Assistant jong e-Court

No.SWK/ESTT-215/2018/5 Dated Mawkyrwat, the 19th December, 2018: On the basis of the Skill Test held on the 28th November, 2018 and Personal Interview held on the 19th December, 2018, the under – mentioned candidate is hereby declared qualified for the post of System Assistant for e-Court in the office of the Deputy Commissioner (Judicial), South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat on contract basis for a period of 3 (Three) months (which may be extended as per sanction given by the Government)…

19/12/2018 30/04/2019 Ban peit (421 KB)
Jingpynbna lait kam Assistant Engineer bad Block Technical Assistant, MGNREGA

No.DRDA/MKT-42/CP/14/13 Dated Mawkyrwat, The 19th December 2018: Ka Ophis District Rural Development Agency, South West Khasi Hills District ka khot aplikeshon na ka bynta ki kam ba lait, Assistant Engineer bad Block Technical Assistant, MGNREGA. Ka tarik ba khatduh ban pdiang applikeshon ka dei 18th January, 2018 por 5:00PM

Please download the editable Application Form (MS Word File – 20KB) from this link

19/12/2018 30/04/2019 Ban peit (509 KB) Details of recruitment (186 KB) Application Form (496 KB)
Ki kyrteng jong ki kandidet ba lah ban shim bynta ha ka skill test na ka bynta ka post Data Entry hapoh ka District Legal Service Authority

No.SWK/ESTI-215/2018/6  Dated Mawkyrwat, the 21st December, 2018: In continuation to this Office Advertisement No. SWK/ESTI-98/2014/88 Dated 16th November, 2018 the under mentioned candidates are hereby notify to be eligible for appearing the Skill Test for the post of Data Entry Operator in the office of the District Legal Services Authority, Mawkyrwat to be held on the 16th January, 2019 in the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, South West Khasi Hills District.

21/12/2018 30/04/2019 Ban peit (362 KB)
Ka result jong ka Personal Interview jong ka post District Coordinator, District Project Assistant, Block Coordinator bad Block Project Assistant jongka POSHAN

No. DPO(N)POSHAN/ALT/365/2018-19/9-14 Dated: Mawkyrwat, the 1st Feb 2019

On the basis of the Personal Interview for the Post of District Coordinator, District Project
Assistant, Block coordinator and Block Project Assistant conducted on the 1st/Feb/2019 by the
District Selection Committee, Poshan Abhiyan, South West Khasi Hills , Mawkyrwat.

06/02/2019 31/03/2019 Ban peit (490 KB)