
Ki Jingpynrung kam

Ki Jingpynrung kam
Ka kyrteng Jingbatai Sdang Tarik Kut Tarik Ka File
Kyrteng jong ki kandidate ba shah jied na ka bynta Coaching Classes under Chief Minister’s Career Guidance and Counseling Scheme 2018-19, South West Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya.

The Office of the Deputy Commissioner, South West Khasi Hills, Mawkyrwat, is pleased to announce the names of those applicants who have been selected for, Coaching Classes for the Integrated Training Course (on DSC Examinations and Clerical Grade Examinations for State/Central Government & Bank Sectors) under Chief Minister’s Career Guidance and Counselling Scheme 2018-19. The selection has been based on decisions taken by the Selection Committee set up for the purpose.

28/10/2020 30/11/2020 Ban peit (2 MB)
ka jingkhot interview ia ki post bapher bapher hapoh ka ophis One Stop Centre, South West Khasi Hills Distrik Mawkyrwat

Interview for the following posts under One Stop Centre Scheme, South West Khasi Hills District, will be held on the 28th November, 2020 (Saturday) from 10.Am  onward at the office of the Deputy Commissioner, South West Khasi Hills District.

24/11/2020 30/11/2020 Ban peit (55 KB)
Ki kyrteng jong ki candidate jong ki post ba pher ba pher hapoh ka One Stop Centre(OSC), South West Khasi Hills Distrik, Mawkyrwat.

Admit card will be issued w.e.f. 26/10/2020 to 28/10/2020 during office hours at the office of the undersigned .

20/10/2020 29/11/2020 Ban peit (7 MB)
Ka jingpyntip na ka bynta ka interview jong ka Post IEC Coordinator bad Coordinator for Capacity Building and Training

This is the general information that the Interview for the post of Co-ordinator for IEC and Co-ordinator for Capacity Building and Training which is to be held on the 22nd September 2020 at 1:00 Pm in the office chamber of the Executive Engineer, PHE Mawkyrwat Division CumMember Secretary, DWSM (JJM) SWKHD, Mawkyrwat is hereby postponed and shifted to 7th October 2020 at 1:00 Pm. The list of qualified candid ates for the interview will be display in the District NIC and office Notice Board on 30th September 2020.

18/09/2020 31/10/2020 Ban peit (436 KB)
Ki kyrteng jong ki kandidate ba la shah jied na ka bynta ka post IEC hapoh ka JJM

list of candidates qualified for personal interview for the post of Co-Ordinator of IEC under JJM to be held on 07.10.2020 at 1 :00 pm in the office of the undersigned.

28/09/2020 31/10/2020 Ban peit (381 KB)
Jingpynrungkam hapoh ka office jongka District Covid Management Unit(DCMU) South West Khasi Hills Distrik Mawkyrwat.

The Office of the undersigned hereby invites applications in the standard form for citizens of India who are permanent residents of Meghalaya for recruitment to the under mentioned posts on contractual basis for a period of 2 (two) months, extendable subject to exigencies of COVID Management for the formation of District COVID Management Unit (DCMU), South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat sponsored by the office of National Health Mission, Government of Meghalaya as follows:

The last date for submission of filled up application is 23rd September, 2020 till 5 pm. 

16/09/2020 31/10/2020 Ban peit (703 KB)
Ki kyrteng jong ki kandidate ba la shah jied na ka bynta ka post capacity building & training

list of candidates qualified for personal interview for the post of CO-ORDINATOR for capacity building & training under JJM to be held on 07.10.2020. at 1:00 pm in the office of the undersigned

28/09/2020 31/10/2020 Ban peit (413 KB)
Jingpynbna lait kam jong IT Manager, Accounts Assistant Data Entry Operator(SPM Rurban Mission) bad Data Entry Operator(SPM Rurban Mission) hapoh ka office District Rural Development Agency, South West Khasi Hills Distrik, Mawkyrwat

Applications are invited from resident s of Meghalaya for the following posts under the Office of the District Rural Development Agency, South West Khasi Hills District Mawkyrwat.

For more details follow the uploaded advertisement.

Download ia ka form hangne 

25/06/2020 15/10/2020 Ban peit (2 MB) Application Form (173 KB)
Jingpyntip DSC

As per Advertisement No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 dated 18.11.2019 and in partial modification to this office addendum No.DSC1/2006/2012/103 dated 16th March, 2020 the No. of posts (Column 4) in Sl. No .3 may please be read as 8 (Eight) vacancies for the post of LDA in place of 7 (Seven) vacancies. Other details remain the same.

01/09/2020 30/09/2020 Ban peit (378 KB)
Jingpynbna lait kam hapoh ka office District Water and Sanitation Mission (JJM) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat

Application in Standard Form are invited from domiciles, Meghalaya for the foll owing contractual posts for implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission under the District Water and Sanitation Mission (JJM) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat:

From 3rd September 2020 upto the 17th September 2020 from 11: 00 AM to 3:00 PM on all working days . 

02/09/2020 30/09/2020 Ban peit (894 KB)