Distrik Selection Committee
Ka kyrteng | Jingbatai | Sdang Tarik | Kut Tarik | Ka File |
Ka Final list jong ki Applicants kiba shah jid na ka bynta ki post ba pher ba pher hapoh DSC, South West Khasi Hills, Mawkyrwat | With reference to the Advertisement No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 dated Mawkyrwat the 18th November 2019 for recruitment to various posts under the District Selection Committee (DSC) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat, the applications of the candidates whose names are listed below in respect of the mentioned posts are found to be eligible. |
18/03/2020 | 31/07/2020 | Ban peit (33 KB) FBLUE_PrinterReport (43 KB) FDEO_Report (71 KB) FDRIVER_Report (61 KB) FGRADE_IV_Report (317 KB) FGRAM_SEVAKReport (120 KB) FLDA_Report (284 KB) FReport_gram_sevika_elligible (107 KB) Report_Jr_Demonstrator_elligible (54 KB) Report_lady_supervisior_Elligible (65 KB) SECTIONAL_ASSISTANT_Report (110 KB) TRACER_Report (55 KB) |
Ka Final list jong ki Applicants ba shah kyntaid na ka bynta ki post ba pher ba pher hapoh DSC, South West Khasi Hills, Mawkyrwat | With reference to the Advertisement No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 dated Mawkyrwat the 18th November 2019 for recruitment to various posts under District Selection Committee (DSC) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat, the applications of the candidates whose names are listed below in respect of the mentioned posts are rejected for the reasons mentioned against each. |
18/03/2020 | 30/06/2020 | Ban peit (36 KB) RBluePrinter_Report (17 KB) RDEO_Report (34 KB) RDriver_Report (17 KB) RGrade_1V_Report (115 KB) RGram_sevak_Report (35 KB) RLDA_Report (35 KB) RReport_Gram_sevika_Rejection (34 KB) RReport_Lady_supervisor_Rejection (100 KB) RSECTIONAL_ASSISTANT_Report (18 KB) RTRACER_Report (17 KB) RReport_Jr_Demonstrator_Rejection (18 KB) |
ADDENDUM | As per advertisement No. DSC.1/2006/2012/77, Dt, 18.11.2019 relating to Sl.No 3 and Sl.No.10 column 4 (no of post), please read as 7 (Seven) vacancies for the posts of LDA in place of 6 (Six) vacancies and 11 (Eleven) vacancies for the posts of Grade – IV in place of 9 (Nine) vacancies. |
18/03/2020 | 25/06/2020 | Ban peit (42 KB) |
Ka list jong ki Applicants kiba shah jid na ka bynta ki post ba pher ba pher hapoh DSC, South West Khasi Hills, Mawkyrwat | With reference to the Advertisement No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 dated Mawkyrwat the 18th November 2019 for recruitment to various posts under District Selection Committee (DSC) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat, the applications of the candidates whose names are listed below in respect of the mentioned posts are found to be eligible. |
12/02/2020 | 30/05/2020 | Ban peit (308 KB) BLUE_Printer (43 KB) DEO (71 KB) DRIVER (61 KB) GRADE_IV (317 KB) GRAM_SEVAK (120 KB) GRAM_SEVIKA (107 KB) Jr.DEMONSTRATOR (54 KB) LADY_SUPERVISOR (64 KB) LDA (284 KB) SECTIONAL_ASSISTANT (110 KB) TRACER (55 KB) |
Ka list jong ki Applicants ba shah kyntaid na ka bynta ki post ba pher ba pher hapoh DSC, South West Khasi Hills, Mawkyrwat | With reference to the Advertisement No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 dated Mawkyrwat the 18th November 2019 for recruitment to various posts under District Selection Committee (DSC) South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat, the applications of the candidates whose names are listed below in respect of the mentioned posts are proposed to be rejected for the reasons mentioned against each.The last date for appeal is on or before 27th February 2020. For more details please see the uploaded documents. |
12/02/2020 | 23/05/2020 | Ban peit (376 KB) TRACERR (17 KB) SECTIONAL_ASSISTANTR (18 KB) LDAR (35 KB) LADY_SUPERVISORR (100 KB) Jr_DemonstratorR (18 KB) Gram_sevikaR (34 KB) Gram_sevakR (35 KB) Grade_1VR (115 KB) DriverR (17 KB) DEOR (34 KB) BluePrinterR (17 KB) |
la pynjlan ia ka online aplikition jong ka DSC South West Khasi Hills, Mawkyrwat. | In view of internet shutdown in the State for the last 5 days and in the interest of the public especially those residing in the far-flung areas which are having genuine constraints regarding network connectivity the Advertisement No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 dt.18.11.2019 is hereby extended for online application up to 3.00 PM on 10th January 2020. |
17/12/2019 | 31/03/2020 | Ban peit (281 KB) |
ka jing khot aplikeshon na ka bynta ki post bapher bapher jong ka DSC hapoh South West Khasi Hills Distrik | No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77, The 18th November 2019: Online Applications are invited for filling up the various posts as mentioned in the advertisement under DSC Recruitment in South West Khasi Hills District. The last date for receiving the online applications is 18th December 2019. For more details please read the uploaded Advertisement in the File column. Na ka bynta ka Online Aplikation:Klick hangne |
18/11/2019 | 18/03/2020 | Ban peit (3 MB) ANNEXURE I (470 KB) |