
Distrik Selection Committee

Distrik Selection Committee
Ka kyrteng Jingbatai Sdang Tarik Kut Tarik Ka File
Ka jingpynbna ia ki kam ba lait hapoh ka District Selection Committee, South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat

Na ka liang jong ka District Selection Committee, South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat ka khot sngewbha ia ki Nongshongshnong bashisha jong ka ri India na ka bynta ban pyndap ia kine ki kam ba lait harum kiba hap hapoh ka South West Khasi Hills District. Kiba kwah ki lah ban apply lyngba ka Online Mode naduh ka 2 tarik August, 2024 bad ka Tarik ba khadduh ban pynpoi ïa ka application kan long ha ka 3 tarik September, 2024. Kiba kwah ki lah ban apply lyngba kane ka link :-

02/08/2024 30/09/2024 Ban peit (1 MB)
Ka jingpynbeit halor ka jingpynbna No. DSC.1/2006/2012/77 Tarik: 18′′ Nohprah, 2019, hapoh ka DSC, South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat

Kane ka long ban pyntip sha baroh ki kandidet ba ïa ka jingdon jong ki post(ki post) ba la pynbna mynshwa vide No. No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 Dated: 18′′ Nohprah, 2019 la pynkylla katkum ka Roster System. Kiba kwah ki lah ban apply lyngba kane ka link :-

02/08/2024 30/09/2024 Ban peit (1 MB)
Ka jingpynbeit halor ka jingpynbna No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 Tarik: 18 Nailur, 2019

KA JINGPYNBNA halor ka jingnang jingstad/ki jingdonkam na ka bynta ka kam Driver.

08/08/2024 30/09/2024 Ban peit (169 KB)
Order under section 144.Cr.PC

Order under section 144.Cr.PC

20/01/2023 10/03/2023 Ban peit (486 KB)
Jingpyntip shaphang ka DSC South West Khasi Hills District.

This is for general information that the District Selection Committee, Mawkyrwat, South West K.hasi Hills District will conduct the Written Examinations for the post advertised vide No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 Dated Mawkyrwat, the 18th November, 2019 by the District Selection Committee (DSC) as per scheduled.

Steps to download admit card: Click here

Download Admit Card

06/04/2022 30/06/2022 Ban peit (121 KB)
Ki jingpyntip ba ia dei bad ka DSC

Notification order related to DSC Exam cancellation.

08/04/2022 30/06/2022 Ban peit (413 KB)
Jingpyntip shaphang ka DSC South West Khasi Hills District.

This is for general information that the District Selection Committee, Mawkyrwat, South West Khasi Hills District will conduct the Written Examinations for the post advertised vide No.DSC.l/2006/2012/77 Dated Mawkyrwat, the 18th November, 2019.


Steps to download admit card: Click here

Download Admit Card

14/12/2021 31/03/2022 Ban peit (664 KB)
Jingpyntip naka bynta ka post Blueprinter

This is for general information that the Written Examination for the post Advertised Vide No.DSC.1/2006/2012/77 Dated Mawkyrwat, the 18thNovember, 2019 by the District Selection Committee (DSC) as per scheduled below is postponed.

20/01/2022 28/02/2022 Ban peit (489 KB)
Jingpyntip na ka bynta ka DSC

Notification related to DSC.

11/11/2021 31/01/2022 Ban peit (41 KB)
ka jing khot aplikeshon na ka bynta ki post bapher bapher jong ka DSC hapoh South West Khasi Hills Distrik

No.DSC. 1/2006/2012/120 The District Selection Committee, South West Khasi Hill s District, Mawkyrwat invites online applications from genuine citizens of India through the link given at who are desirous to apply for the under-mentioned posts as per term s and conditions of this advertisement.

For Online Application: Click here

08/10/2021 31/12/2021 Ban peit (4 MB) ANNEXURE I (470 KB)