
Ki Tendar

Ki Tendar
Ka kyrteng Jingbatai Sdang Tarik Kut Tarik Ka File
Short notice inviting Tender

Sealed tenders subsequently to be drawn up in M.P.WD. F-2 form of Tender agreement duly affixed with a non-refundable court fee stamp are hereby invited by the undersigned on behalf of the Governor of Meghalaya, Registered Contractor Class I of PHE Meghalaya Shillong, Class-II of SE (PRE) Western Circle, Nongstoin and Class III of PRE Mawkyrwat Division, Mawkyrwat for the year 2020-21 and having valid Labour License for Class-I only, Professional Tax, GST and requisite qualification s for the under mentioned work and will be received in the office of the Executive Engineer; PRE Mawkyrwat Division, Mawkyrwat. (Technical Branch) up to the 14:00 hour of 13th August 2021. The tenders will be opened on the same date at 14:00 hour in presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives who so desire to attend. If the last date happens to be a holiday, the next working day will be considered as the date of receiving and opening of tenders.

13/08/2021 30/09/2021 Ban peit (451 KB)

Sealed tenders subsequently to be drawn up in M.P.W.D. F-2 form of Tender agreement duly affixed with a non-refundable court fee stamp are hereby invited by the undersigned on behalf of the Governor of Meghalaya, Registered Contractor Class I of PHE Meghalaya Shillong, Class-II of SE (PRE) Western Circle, Nongstoin and Class III of PRE Mawkyrwat Division, Mawkyrwat for the year 2020-21 and having valid Labour License for Class-I Contractors only, Professional Tax, GST and requisite qualifications for the undermentioned work and will be received in the office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Mawkyrwat Division, Mawkyrwat (Technical Branch) up to the 14:00 hour of 28th July 2021. The tenders will be opened on the same date at 15:00 hour in presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives who so desire to attend. If the last date happens to be a holiday, the next working day will be considered as the date of receiving and opening of tenders.

14/07/2021 31/08/2021 Ban peit (404 KB)
jingkhot Tender

No. DWSM/MWT/JJM-18/2020-21/599 Dated: Mawkyrwat, the loth March 2021. Sealed tenders subsequently to be drawn up in M.P.W.D. F-2 form of Tender agreement duly affixed with a non-refundable court fee stamp are hereby invited by the undersigned on behalf of the Governor of Meghalaya, Registered Contractor Class I of PRE Meghalaya Shillong, Class-Il of SE (PRE) Western Circle, Nongstoin and Class III of PRE Mawkyrwat Division, Mawkyrwat for the year 2020-21 and having valid Labour License and requisite qualifications for the under mentioned work and will be received in the office of the Executive Engineer, PRE Mawkyrwat Division, Mawkyrwat (Technical Branch) up to the 14:00 hour of 16th March 2021.

12/03/2021 30/05/2021 Ban peit (403 KB)
Notice Inviting Tender

Notice Inviting Tender.

01/03/2021 01/05/2021 Ban peit (74 KB)
Ka Jingpyntip Khot tender

Sealed tenders subsequently to be drawn up in M.P.W.D. F-2 form of Tender agreement duly affixed with a non-refundable court fee stamp are hereby invited by the undersigned on behalf of the Governor of Meghalaya, Registered Contractor Class I of PHE Meghalaya Shillong, Class-II of SE (PHE) Western Circle, Nongstoin and Class III of PHE Mawkyrwat Division, Mawkyrwat for the 2020-21 and having valid Labour License and requisite qualifications for the under year mentioned work and will be received in the office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Mawkyrwat Division, Mawkyrwat (Technical Branch) upto the 14:00 hour of 13th March 2021. The tenders will be opened on the same date at 15:00 hour in presence of the tenderērs or their authorised representatives who so desire to attend. If the last date happens to be a holiday, the next working day will be considered as the date of receiving and opening of tenders.

Detailed tender papers may be obtained from the Technical Branch of this office from the 5th March 2021 upto the 17:00 hours of 12th March 2021 on payment of a non-refundable fee of 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred) only, per set in cash payable to the Cashier of this office during office hours on any working day, from 10.00 A.M. upto 2:00 P.M.

08/03/2021 30/04/2021 Ban peit (540 KB)
Jingkhot Tender


NAME OF WORK:-“Construction of Girls’ Hostel at Mawkyrwat, South West Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya”.

24/03/2021 30/04/2021 Ban peit (1,005 KB)
Ka jing khot TENDER

Sealed tenders subsequently to be drawn up in M.P.W.D. F-2 form of Sealed tenders subsequently to be drawn up in M.P.W.D. F-2 form of Tender agreement duly affixed with a non-refundable court fee stamp are hereby re-invited by the undersigned on behalf of the Governor of Meghalaya, Registered Contractor Class I of PRE Meghalaya Shillong, Class-Il ofSE (PRE) Western Circle, Nongstoin, and Class I

18/03/2021 31/03/2021 Ban peit (419 KB)

No.SWK/NGT-131/VOL-lV/2018/141: In continuation to this Office Order No.SWK/NGT-131/VOL-IV/2018/1 30 Dt. 14-09-2020 and as instructed by the Mining & Geology Department. Government of Meghalaya Shillong vide No.MG.38/2020/110 Dt. 06-10-2020, Re-tender in Sealed
Quotation affixing non-refundable Court Fee Stamp of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty-five) only are invited from the interested contractor(s)/firm(s)/   transporter(s) for the following works.

07/10/2020 28/11/2020 Ban peit (833 KB)
Ka jingkhot thep TENDER


18/09/2020 31/10/2020 Ban peit (1 MB)

NOTICE INVITING TENDER for Governor of Meghalaya. Registered Contractor Class I of PHE Meghalaya Shillong, Class-II of SE (PHE) Western Circle . Nongstoin and Class III of PHE Mawkyrwat Division, Mawkyrwat for the year 2019-20

07/07/2020 12/08/2020 Ban peit (2 MB)