
Ka Resul na ka bynta ka post Data Entry Operator and Grade IV Interviews ba la pynlong da ka District Selection Committee, South West Khasi Hills District

Ka Resul na ka bynta ka post Data Entry Operator and Grade IV Interviews ba la pynlong da ka District Selection Committee, South West Khasi Hills District
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Ka Resul na ka bynta ka post Data Entry Operator and Grade IV Interviews ba la pynlong da ka District Selection Committee, South West Khasi Hills District

La pynbna ia ka result jong ka interview na ka bynta ka kam Data Entry Operator bad ka kyrdan Grade-IV kaba la pynlong da ka District Selection Committee, South West Khasi Hills District ha ka 10th Kyllalyngkot, 2024. Ki kyrteng jong ki kyrtong kiba jop ba la ai jingmut da ka Committee, katkum ka jinglah. ki long kumne harum:

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